4 day itineraryDay 1
My first day started out on the Eurostar.. I left from London’s St. Pancras station and, in under 4 hours, arrived at Amsterdam Centraal Train station. When you exit the train area you come out into a big, busy mall area.
I traveled in mid-August. The weather was cool in the mornings and evenings and warm mid-day. It rained from time to time but not all day. I carried a light rain jacket with me to keep dry when needed.
My main goal on the first day was to check into my hotel at the Hilton Double Tree at the NDSM Wharf and do some exploring. I quickly found the free ferry at the back of the Centraal Station and boarded with walkers and bikers. It was a 10 minute ride from Centraal Station to the NDSM Wharf. After geting off the ferry, I walked to my hotel which was only one block from the wharf. (there is also a DoubleTree Hilton right next to Centraal Station but its a bit more expensive)
I bought a 3 day ticket for the local GVB city trams which run frequently in front of the Centraal Station. In front of the Amsterdam Centraal there are many kiosks and machines with people to help you. I spent the day exploring and hopping on and off the tram when I saw something interesting.
The Rijks Museum had a free outdoor drawing lesson in their courtyard. They provided all the supplies and some guidance and I joined the group of aspiring artists and had fun until closing.

Day 2
My goal was to take an open boat cruise through the canals of Amsterdam, visit the Anne Frank House, and eat well.
I was a bit lazy this day so I started late. I took a short train ride to Dam Square. There were a lot of shops I wanted to see and I enjoyed walking and taking pictures because the weather was so nice.
I visited Anne Frank House in the community of Jordaan. I did not have reservations but it was an honor to visit since she was part of my studies as a child. I joined the respectful crowd that were taking pictures in front of the residence.
Such a beautiful day! I just kept walking, enjoying the architect of the buildings, the colors and the unique houseboats in the canal. until the street ended.
I headed back to the Centraal Station in time to buy a ticket for the last canal tour of the day which began at sunset and continued after dark. The sunset was magnificent and the lights and decoration in the canal were wonderful. There are many boats tours to choose from so it all depends on your taste.
I am not a “foodie” so I don’t place much emphasis on culinary delights when Im traveling. I like quick healthy meals so I can get outside and continue to enjoy my photography or tours.

Day 3 & 4
Day 3 I wanted to revisit areas I saw from the canal ride including the famous Sea Palace, a floating Chinese Restaurant. I had a small plate with two very large deep fried prawns and a tasty egg noodle soup. Delicious!
I went to the musemplein which is a large public park I saw on my first day. The park is bordered by the famous Rijks Museum, the Van Gogh Museum, Moco Museum. The museumplein is active with bike riders, people playing relaxing or just walking. It was Sunday so there was an artists market near the Rijks Muswum and I enjoyed shopping. For me it was a photographer’s delight since so much was happening. I didn’t go into the museums this time but I do encourage you to visit.
Day 4 and my last day in Amsterdam, I stayed in my cozy hotel and had breakfast. I chose an indoor activity because it was raining. I visited the OBA Oosterdock Library which is located with in walking distance of the Centraal Station, on the same street. My hotel concierge encouraged me to visit the library cafe since I was looking for a site above the city I could take pictures. The site overlooking Amsterdam was beautiful.