Generosity counterbalances a mindset and culture of poverty. It reinforces, kindness, abundance and that there is “more than enough.” “Researchers have found a connection between happiness and the performance of selfless acts. Giving to others, they say, activates an area of the brain linked with contentment and the reward cycle.”
“Generosity is costly, but beneficial” because It always comes at a personal cost. Simply put, if you need generosity the way to get it is to be a generous person.

Jenai Morehead
Jenai Morehead works with entrepreneurs and nonprofits In the areas of:
- Grants: finding money; writing & reviewing proposals
- Program development: Developing new programs & redesigning old ones.
- Corporate compliance: Applying for initial nonprofit status. Helping nonprofits to resolve government regulatory/ reporting problems.
- We work with: Churches, Board members, Founders, business people
Specialties: Capacity building, making nonprofits attractive to funders, finding sustainable forms of income, working with nonprofits who have government or funding compliance issues, research and grant/proposal writing.
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